Friday, 13 January 2017

Film Pitch

Film Pitch

MEST2 Film Pitch

Title and tagline:
Out of Mind

Topic from brief (e.g. Modern-noir, Urban Life etc.):
The Secret & Friendship 

Genre (and sub-genre if applicable):
Mystery, Science fiction, thriller. 

Logline – one sentence that sums up the film and hooks people in (25 words or fewer):
Imagine waking up one day to discover you are no longer a memory of the people you love. Meet Natalie.  

Other successful films that are similar to yours:
I Am Legend, 28 Days Later, The Vow 

Narrative structure for full 30-minute film – what happens and in what order (max 100 words):

Natalie wakes up from a coma and discovers that no one remembers her. As like others in the same situation, when suffering a tragic accident, as though they have actually died, they are erased from their loved ones' memory. She makes a companion with someone who is in the same situation and they help each other through their loss. However, towards the end of the film they both encounter a tragic accident and are erased from each others memory. Leaving the hospital at the same time and sitting at the same bus stop, they are unaware of their previous friendship. 

Main protagonist, their desires, the conflicts they encounter etc.:
Natalie - Sophie
Desires - People to remember her. 
Conflicts - With her mother and her friends.

Other characters and their role/audience appeal:
Natalie - Sophie
Moses - Daniel
Tim - Ratna
Demi - Rayelle

Target audience for your film (age, gender, social class, interests etc.):
Age - Teenagers, adults, older children.
Gender - More of a female audience.
Social class - All social classes. 
Ethnicity - All ethnicities. 
Interests - Solving mysteries, Into Sci-fi.

The three-minute extract you will make and where it would appear in the film:
The opening scene is the extract we are going to make.
This would appear at the start of the film and will include Natalie realising that her loved ones do not remember her. As a result of her old friend Moses being in the same situation, the explains to her what has happened. 

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